
MAGCUL.NET PRESENTS Smart Illumination 2013PV featuring Jun-ichi Kusaka

MAGCUL.NET PRESENTS スマートイルミネーション2013PV featuring Jun-ichi Kusaka

MAGCUL.NET PRESENTS Smart Illumination 2013PV featuring Jun-ichi Kusaka

Junichi Kusaka related projects

■ Illumiwear try-on experience ■
Wear an illuminated costume and take a commemorative photo with the night view of Minato Mirai in the background!
10.23 (Wed) - 27 (Sun) 17:00 - 22:00
Location: Zou-no-hana Terrace Participation fee: 500 yen

■ Mystery tour of light ☆ ■
Junichi Kusaka will guide you through the Smart Illumination venue!
10.25th (Fri) 19:30-21:00 / 10.26 (Sat) & 27th (Sun) 17:00-18:30
Location: Zou-no-hana Terrace Participation fee: 500 yen *Advance application required

■ Bright wedding ■
The bride and groom, wearing sparkling wedding dresses created by Junichi Kusaka, moved from venue to venue and got married at Zou-no-hana Park!
10.26 (Sat) 18:30-21:00
Location: Various locations in Yokohama city