
Yukio Ninagawa interview

蜷川幸雄 インタビュー

Saitama Gold Theater is a theater group made up of members aged 55 and over, led by director Yukio Ninagawa.

's new work ``Crow, We'll Load a Bullet'' will be performed at KAAT Kanagawa Dramatic Theater after the Paris performance!

Prior to the performance, I was able to interview Yukio Ninagawa.

What is "Saitama Gold Theater"?

What is the difficulty of directing a unique theater company whose average age is 74 years old?

And about my own “old age” etc.

This is a very valuable interview with Mr. Ninagawa, who continues to move forward.

Please take a look!!


□“Crows, we are loaded with bullets” Kanagawa performance

□Yukio Ninagawa HP


■Kumagaya performance

Dates: Saturday, June 22, 2013, 15:00, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 15:00

Venue: Osato Lifelong Learning Center Asnet Hall