Sagamihara Minami Civic Hall

Sagamihara Minami Civic Hall

Sagamihara Minami Civic Hall was established as the second civic hall in the hope of improving the culture and welfare of the citizens. With a seating capacity of 400, it can be used as a place for cultural activities that are accessible to many people, including concerts, various recitals, training sessions, and events. Please feel free to come and enjoy cultural events such as concerts and plays.

Detailed info

Business hours
  • 9:00-22:00
Parking 無(南市民ホール専用の駐車場はございませんが、お車でお越しの際は、南区合同庁舎・第2駐車場へ駐車いただきますようお願いします。なお、混雑する場合もございますので公共交通機関をご利用ください。)

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