
Kyoko Hirano Exhibition - Keep drawing to live

Outline of the event

  • 9:30~17:00(入場は16:30まで)


Hiratsuka City Museum of Art

Hiratsuka City Museum of Art
Hiratsuka is located in the center of the coast of Sagami Bay facing the Pacific Ocean, 50 km southwest of the capital Tokyo, and flourished as one of the post towns on the Tokaido route during the Edo period. Currently, the city has a total area of 67.88 square kilometers, a current population of approximately 260,000 people, and is blessed with a warm climate and rich nature, and is popular as a core city with a well-balanced industry and as a resort destination.

Since the Meiji period (late 19th century), many artists have lived in the area called "Shonan," which includes Hiratsuka, and have developed art movements. For example, Shirakaba, a magazine that had a great influence on modern Japanese art and literature, was active in Kamakura, and Ryuse Kishida's Sodosha, which pursued a new style of oil painting, was active in Kugenuma. Since then, many writers have been active to this day.

Construction of an art museum in Hiratsuka City began shortly after the war. The focus was on local artists who were holding exhibitions on their own during the recovery from the air raids. In the early 1960s, they began a campaign to donate one work by an artist to the city, and following the construction of a school, community center, and library, the Hiratsuka City Museum opened in 1976 and an art department was established there. . Later, in line with the nationwide movement for lifelong learning and art museum construction, the Hiratsuka Art Museum Construction Research Committee was established in 1984, and concrete movements toward the opening of the museum began, and in 1986, the Hiratsuka City Art Museum Basic Concept was established. In 1986, a basic plan for the construction of the Hiratsuka City Art Museum was drawn up, construction work and project preparations began, and the museum opened in March 1991.

Since its opening, as an art museum located in the center of the Shonan region, the main theme has been <Art and Light of Shonan>, and by offering excellent domestic and international art for people to appreciate in a good environment, we have deepened the public's understanding of culture. We have carried out various projects with the main purpose of stimulating the desire to create and learn.

We will continue to play a role in the maturation of the culture of the Shonan region and strive to enhance our museum activities so that many people can become familiar with it.


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