

Hiratsuka is located in the center of the Sagami Bay coast facing the Pacific Ocean, 50km southwest of the capital Tokyo, and flourished as one of the post towns on the Tokaido road during the Edo period. Today, the city has a total area of 67.88 square kilometers and a current population of about 260,000. Blessed with a warm climate and abundant nature, it is a core city with a balanced mix of industries, and is also popular as a resort town.

Many artists have lived in the area known as "Shonan," including Hiratsuka, since the Meiji period (late 19th century), and have developed art movements here. For example, the magazine "Shirakaba," which had a major impact on modern Japanese art and literature, was founded in Kamakura, while Ryusei Kishida's Sodosha, which pursued a new style of oil painting, was founded in Kugenuma. Many artists have been active here since then, right up to the present day.

The idea of building an art museum in Hiratsuka was first proposed shortly after the war. It was led by local artists who had been holding exhibitions independently during the city's recovery from the air raids. In the early 1960s, they began a campaign to donate one work per artist to the city, and following the construction of schools, community centers, and libraries, the Hiratsuka City Museum opened in 1976, establishing an art department. Then, in line with the nationwide movement towards lifelong learning and the construction of art museums, the Hiratsuka Museum of Art Construction Research Committee was formed in 1984, and concrete steps towards opening the museum began. In 1986, the Hiratsuka Museum of Art Basic Concept was formulated, followed by the Hiratsuka Museum of Art Construction Master Plan in 1986. Construction work and preparations for the project began, and the museum opened in March 1991.

Since its opening, as an art museum located in the center of the Shonan region, the main theme has been "Art and Light of Shonan," and the museum has implemented various projects with the major goal of deepening citizens' understanding of culture and stimulating their desire to create and learn by providing public access to excellent art from Japan and abroad in a good environment.

We will continue to play a part in the maturation of culture in the Shonan region and strive to enrich our museum activities so that many people can enjoy the museum.

Detailed info

Business hours
  • [Opening hours] 9:30-17:00 (Entry until 16:30) [Closed] Mondays (open if Monday is a holiday and closed the following day), New Year's holiday (December 29th-January 3rd) *Even on opening days, the exhibition room may be closed due to changing of exhibits. The Citizen Art Gallery, Library Corner, and Information Corner are available for use.
Parking 有(有料) 【利用時間】8:00〜22:00 ※休館日も駐車場のみの利用可能です。【収容台数】67台(車いす使用者等のスペース2台)※満車となる場合がありますので、なるべく公共交通機関をご利用ください。
  • 【観覧料】〈特集展〉一般¥200、高校・大学生¥100(企画展は展覧会ごとに異なります。) ※ 20名以上の団体は特集展は3割引、企画展は2割引。※ 企画展観覧券で、企画展観覧当日に限り、特集展を観覧できます。※ 企画展期間中、特集展のみ観覧希望の方は受付にお申し出ください。 〈次の方は無料です〉○ 中学生以下、毎週土曜日の高校生。○ 65歳以上で、平塚市民の方。(65歳以上で市外在住の方は団体割引)○ 各種障がい者手帳の交付を受けた方と付添1名。※ 受付で必ず年齢や住所が確認できる証明書や障がい者手帳等をご提示下さい。ご提示がない場合は、一般観覧料をお支払いいただくことになります。○ 神奈川県内の高校生およびこれに準ずる方で、引率者が教育課程として観覧する場合。  ○ 平塚市内の公民館主催事業による観覧。

Nearby Places

  • Hiratsuka City Central Community Center

    Hiratsuka City Central Community Center

    Hiratsuka City
  • Hiratsuka City Museum

    Hiratsuka City Museum

    Hiratsuka City
  • Gallery Kuka & Cafe

    Gallery Kuka & Cafe

    Hiratsuka City