
Fumiaki Miura & Kazune Shimizu Duo Recital

Yokosuka Arts Theatre Recital Series 72 Fumiaki Miura & Kazune Shimizu Duo Recital
The ultimate violin sonata, presented by the world-renowned violinist Fumiaki Miura and the pianist Kazune Shimizu, who has perfect technique and rich musicality.
Fumiaki Miura is a violinist who won the Hannover International Violin Competition, known as the world's most difficult, at the age of 16, the youngest ever winner, and continues to be active on the world stage. Miura's much-admired pianist Kazune Shimizu is a highly skilled and musical pianist who has been constantly active for nearly 40 years since her debut, and is a constant presence in the music scene.
Please enjoy to your heart's content the passionate world of this duo, whose collaboration in a series of three concerts performing all of Beethoven's violin sonatas, which began in February 2024, has been a hot topic of discussion.

Outline of the event

  • 14:00開演(13:30開場)


S席 4,500円
A席 3,500円


Yokosuka Arts Theatre

Yokosuka Arts Theatre

Yokosuka Arts Theatre opened in February 1994 on the site of the former EM Club (US Navy Enlisted Club), the birthplace of postwar jazz in Japan, as a place to connect people and culture and enrich the lives of Yokosuka citizens. The EM Club was the birthplace of postwar jazz in Japan, and world-famous entertainers such as Louis Armstrong frequently came to perform there immediately after the war. In addition, musicians who would later become representative of Japan, such as George Kawaguchi and Hara Nobuo, gave passionate performances, spreading the flavor of authentic American music throughout the country.

It consists of two theaters with different faces: the Large Theater (Yokosuka Arts Theater) and the Small Theater (Yokosuka Bayside Pocket). Since its opening, it has hosted numerous performances of leading operas, ballets, and classical music from Japan and abroad, and has become a hub for arts, culture, and excitement as a symbol of the vibrant city of Yokosuka.

Performance Summary


ヴァイオリン 三浦文彰
ピアノ 清水和音

Performance Timetable

モーツァルト ヴァイオリン・ソナタ 第28番 ホ短調 K.304
シューベルト ヴァイオリン・ソナタ イ長調 D574 Op.162
ベートーヴェン ヴァイオリン・ソナタ 第9番 イ長調 Op.47「クロイツェル」


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