Kuramae Gallery

Kuramae Gallery

It is a base for art and artists that uses the main building and interior of a rice shop from the early Showa era. The first floor is a gallery and sales space where you can display different types of exhibitions, including dirt floors, warehouses, and tatami mats. The second floor has a kitchen, toilet, studio, culture room, office, etc. Since our founding in 2006, we have created projects to create new art by actually using historical buildings, and have supported everyone, regardless of whether they have a disability, to enjoy art together.

As the building dates back to the early Showa period, we are trying to create plans that take advantage of the Japanese seasons and events. Last year, we held a Beiju Festival in the building and received support from people in the neighborhood, which made us realize the role and role of the local community. I would like to continue so that art is recognized as something important in our current lives, and as an expression of the heart that we want to leave behind.

Detailed info

Business hours
  • Irregular (according to the needs of users) / Basic 10:00-18:00 [Closed days] Irregular (according to the needs of users)
Credit Card
  • 不可
  • 可(使い方も相談させていただきたいのでお電話で問い合わせいただき、見ていただき予約をお願いします)
  • 1階は自由に展覧会を観ることができます(企画を主催する場合は半日1箇所¥5,000〜)。2階は予約で使う方限定(1時間¥1,000〜)。

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