Kawasaki City Fujiko F. Fujio Museum

Kawasaki City Fujiko F. Fujio Museum

This museum conveys the world and message of Fujiko F. Fujio, one of Japan's leading manga artists, to a wide range of generations through exhibits of original drawings and other artwork. Approximately 250 of the 50,000 original drawings that Fujiko created throughout his life are on display, and his actual workroom has been recreated and is open to the public. There are plenty of things to see, including original short films that can only be seen here, an open field where you can meet characters, a cafe with a menu related to his works, and a shop full of original products. Admission tickets require a reservation with a designated date and time.

Detailed info

Business hours
  • 10:00-18:00 Closed on Tuesdays
  • 大人・大学生 ¥1,000 高校・中学生 ¥700 子ども(4歳以上)¥500 ※3歳以下は無料です。 ※上記料金は全て税込です。 ※1回に6名様までお申し込みいただけます。
Credit Card
  • 可(VISA、MASTER、JCB、AMEX)電子マネー 3Fカフェ、ギフトコーナーのみ使用可(kitaca,Suica,PASMO,SUGOCA,nimoca,toica,manaca,icoka,はやかけん)
Wi-Fi use
  • 車いす貸出・お子様用トイレ・多目的トイレ・荷物預かり・コインロッカー

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