Totsuka Community Cultural Center Sakura Plaza

Totsuka Community Cultural Center Sakura Plaza

Totsuka Community Cultural Center Sakura Plaza is a cultural facility that responds to the growing needs of local residents for "opportunities to appreciate high-quality art" and "a place for high-quality cultural activities." It is equipped with a "hall with advanced performance capabilities," a "gallery with high-ceilings," and a "spacious practice room that can be used for a variety of activities," providing both a "practice space that local residents can easily use" and a "place for presentations with advanced content."

The facility has a 450-seat hall equipped with a Steinway full concert piano (D-274), a rehearsal room that can be used for performances, a gallery that boasts one of the largest floor space and highest ceilings in the city, and four practice rooms suitable for practicing instruments, dance, etc.

Detailed info

Business hours
  • [Opening hours] 9:00-22:00 [Reception hours] 9:00-21:00 [Closed] 2nd Tuesday of every month, 2nd Tuesday and Wednesday in February and August, 12/29-1/3
神奈川県横浜市戸塚区戸塚町16-17 戸塚区総合庁舎内3F(ギャラリー)・4F(ホール、リハーサル室、練習室)
Parking 【利用可能時間】7:00〜22:30 【駐車可能台数】100台 【駐車料金】(7:00〜22:30)30分あたり¥220、(平日)8:45〜17:00の間で駐車時間3時間を超えた場合の超過分)30分あたり¥250、当日最大料金(土・日・祝日のみ)¥1,800

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