Kamakura City Kaburaki Kiyotaka Memorial Art Museum

Kamakura City Kaburaki Kiyotaka Memorial Art Museum

The museum was built on the site of the former residence of the master of modern Japanese painting, Kiyokata Kaburaki, in Yukinoshita, Kamakura, where he passed away. The Japanese-style building stands out in a quiet residential area of the ancient capital, Kamakura.

Kaburagi Kiyokata was born in Kanda, Tokyo in 1878. He grew up surrounded by literature from an early age, and began his career as an illustrator. Later he turned to hand-painted paintings, and his works, which mainly depict pure and graceful women, the lively lives of ordinary people, portraits, and the literary works of Higuchi Ichiyo and Izumi Kyoka, whom he loved, show his sympathetic and loving gaze towards ordinary people. His connection with Kamakura dates back to 1946, when he settled in Zaimokuza. In 1954, the year he received the Order of Culture, he established his studio here in Yukinoshita, where he lived until his death in 1972 at the age of 93. In his later years, Kiyokata described his state of mind as "playing with the customs of the people," and he created many works that took the lives of ordinary people as their subject. He left behind many Japanese paintings full of emotion, as well as essays written in an elegant style.

In 1994, his family donated his artworks, documents, land and buildings to the city of Kamakura with the intention of passing on his work and the place where he created his works to future generations. In response, the museum opened as a memorial in April 1998. We hope that all visitors will enjoy a relaxing time while remembering Seikata's art and life.

Detailed info

Business hours
  • 9:00-17:00 (entry until 16:30) [Closed] Mondays (open on public holidays and closed the following weekday), New Year's holidays (December 29th to January 3rd), exhibition change periods, etc.
Parking 無(駐車場・駐輪場はありませんので、公共交通機関をご利用ください。)
  • 【観覧料】〈企画展〉一般¥200、小・中学生¥100、〈特別展〉一般¥300、小・中学生¥150 ※観覧料無料(要証明書)…(1)鎌倉市内の小中学校に通学する児童生徒、もしくは市内に在住し市外の小中学校に通学する児童生徒 (2)鎌倉市にお住まいで65歳以上の方 (3)身体障害者手帳・療育手帳・精神障害者保健福祉手帳をお持ちの方及びその介助の方 (4)鎌倉市原子爆弾被害者の援護に関する条例(昭和48年3月第37号)に基づく援護資格認定証の交付を受けた方(手帳などをご提示ください)

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