Miyagawa Kozan Makuzu Museum

Miyagawa Kozan Makuzu Museum

During the Meiji period, Makuzu ware, a "mythical pottery," crossed the sea from Yokohama and captivated the world.
Just a few minutes' walk from Yokohama Station, you can see a variety of Miyagawa Kazan's works in the Yokohama Portside district, an art and design town facing the sea.
[Access] About 8 minutes walk from Yokohama Station Kita-Higashi Exit

Detailed info

Business hours
  • [Opening days] Saturdays and Sundays only (However, there are times when the museum is closed during the New Year holidays, etc.) [Closed days] Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays *Temporary opening on closed days may be possible
神奈川県横浜市神奈川区栄町6-1 ヨコハマポートサイド ロア参番館1F-2
  • 【大人】¥800【中・高校生】¥500 小学生以下 無料

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