cinema novecento

cinema novecento

We pride ourselves on being the smallest in Japan with just 28 seats (lol), but we are a unique place for movie fans to drool over, consisting of a formal movie theater with 35mm and 16mm film projectors and a trattoria with 32 seats. We have a program that focuses on film and screens foreign films that can only be seen here for the first time, and every weekend we invite famous guests to hold talk shows and autograph sessions after the screenings. What's more, after the talk events, there are also social gatherings with guests in the trattoria. A dreamlike space where you can drink and talk with your favorite movie stars and directors. That is Cinema Novecento in the movie town of Yokohama!

Detailed info

神奈川県横浜市西区中央2-1-8 岩﨑ビル2F
Parking お車をご利用の場合 専用駐車場はございませんので、シネマ近隣の民間駐車場のご利用をお願いいたします。

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  • cinema novecento

    cinema novecento
