The Museum of Modern Art, Hayama

The Museum of Modern Art, Hayama

Hayama Hall was completed in March 2003 as the third building of the Museum of Modern Art, Kanagawa and Hayama Museum, and opened in October. In addition to exhibition rooms with varying ceiling heights and lighting environments, the museum is equipped with a variety of facilities, including an art library that aims to be a base for collecting materials and disseminating information, an auditorium with audiovisual facilities, and a storage facility that brings together the best of preservation technology. To allow visitors to become familiar with the museum as part of their daily lives, the entrance hall, courtyard, restaurant, museum shop, garden, and even the art library on the first basement floor are all available for use without admission fees.

(2nd photo / Hayamakan Restaurant) ©Norihiro Ueno
(Photo 3/Hayama Hall entrance) Kijuro Yahagi©

Detailed info

Business hours
  • 9:30-17:00 (last entrance 16:30) [Closed] Mondays (open on national holidays and substitute holidays), exhibition change periods (restaurant and parking lot open except Mondays), New Year's holidays (December 29th-January 3rd)
  • 【観覧料】(コレクション展)一般¥250、20未満と学生¥150、65歳以上¥100、高校生¥100
Parking 有(収容台数48台、身障者専用2台、バス3台の計53台) 【有料駐車場営業】8:30〜18:00(最終入庫16:30) ※料金は美術館HP等でご確認ください。

Nearby Places

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    Hayama Town Welfare and Culture Hall

  • Image of The Museum of Modern Art, Hayama

    The Museum of Modern Art, Hayama
