
Is it gay jutsu? Scandal? Nude art galore!

ゲイジュツか? スキャンダルか? ヌードなアート百花繚乱!

Visit, see and feel the world of art
File.1 Yokohama Museum of Art “Nude Exhibition”

I believe that the world of art and nudity are inseparable, whether it's painting, sculpture, or photography. After all, one of the representative works of Greek sculpture, which can be said to be the origin of art, is a beautiful male statue of a soft-shelled turtle. On the other hand, the degree of exposure has always been the subject of controversy, whether in the East or the West.
That's why the straightforward title ``Nude Exhibition'' piqued my curiosity, and I decided to visit the Yokohama Museum of Art.

The exhibition traces the evolution of nudes over time and themes.

This is the only work that can be photographed, Rodin's "The Kiss."
You can view it 360 degrees from anywhere, and it's up to you how you choose to take it. Each person searches for their own favorite angle and clicks the shutter over and over again. This scene itself is like art.
*Photography may be canceled due to congestion (editing department/note)

Someone once said, ``A warm, soft body was carved out of cold, hard marble,'' and that's exactly right. You'll want to touch the smooth skin, but of course you shouldn't touch the works on display!

The exhibition clearly shows how, over time, nudes, which were once permitted only as historical paintings based on classical literature, mythology, and the Bible, began to be depicted with realistic themes.
However, in the 20th century, with the rise of cubism, abstract expression, and even surrealism, a simple question crossed my mind: ``Is this sexy?'' To the untrained eye, you can't even tell where the woman is naked...
The human body doesn't change that much in 100 or 200 years, but an artist's perspective is amazing. Before I could even say ``I understand'' or ``I don't understand,'' I was knocked down by the artists' overly free expression.

After going around the venue and returning to the entrance hall, there is a spot where you can take a commemorative photo with Layton's ``Psyche's Bathing''. There will be a veil next to you, so take the same pose as the model and post it on Instagram!

The museum shop is lined with British-style exhibition-limited goods, such as tea and sweets, in line with the ``Nude Exhibition,'' which is part of the Tate's collection.
The recommended item is the "Nude Exhibition" original mint candy. If you're wondering "why?", consider the fact that the package includes Rodin's "The Kiss". The answer lies in the venue.

Another thing you can enjoy at the Yokohama Museum of Art is the exhibition-limited menu that you can enjoy at the cafe on the first floor. I was also attracted to the ``Roast Beef Sandwich'', which is a traditional British dish, but this time I decided to take a fancy to afternoon tea and ordered ``Milk Tea.'' I love that it comes with lightly sweet shortbread.
By the way, a special blend of black tea and mugs that go well with milk can be purchased at a special shop at the exhibition.

NUDE —From the Tate Collection, UK
Exhibition period: Until June 24, 2018 (Sunday)
Venue: Yokohama Museum of Art
Closed: Thursdays
Opening hours: 10:00-18:00 *Until 20:30 on Friday, June 8th
(Last admission 30 minutes before closing)

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