
We are now accepting applications for the Kanagawa Prefecture Magcul Expansion Promotion Subsidy for FY2022!

令和4年度 神奈川県マグカル展開促進補助金 対象事業を募集します!

In order to promote the development of "Magcul," the prefecture will create a subsidy to cover the expenses required for new cultural and artistic projects undertaken by private organizations and will begin accepting applications.
*What is Magcal?
The prefecture is promoting the "Magnet Culture" initiative, which aims to attract people through the appeal of culture and the arts and create excitement in the local area.
We are promoting an initiative called "Magcal" for short.

1. Overview of the subsidy
[Name] Kanagawa Prefecture Magcal Expansion Promotion Subsidy
[Target group] Private organizations (including voluntary organizations)
[Target project] A new cultural and artistic project to be carried out within the prefecture and open to the general public
[Project implementation] From April 29, 2022 to March 31, 2023
[Subsidy rate, etc.] Regular business: Subsidy rate of 1/3, maximum amount of 1 million yen
Priority projects: Pioneering projects, projects in collaboration with seniors and people with disabilities Subsidy rate: 50%, maximum amount: 3 million yen
Traditional performing arts projects, youth talent development projects: Subsidy rate: 1/3, maximum amount: 3 million yen

2 Recruitment period/application method
[Application period] Thursday, February 17th to Monday, March 28th
[Application method] e-kanagawa electronic application
[Details] When applications begin, we will post an online application page at this URL and also publish application guidelines, etc.
・Contact for recruitment inquiries: Cultural Affairs Division, Magcal Promotion Group, Tel: 045-285-0220
This is the first round of applications. We plan to hold a second round of applications after June, but depending on the budget execution situation,
It may not be implemented.

3. Information Session
An information session will be held for organisations considering applying.
(This will be the last event for the first round of applications for FY2022.)
[Date and time] Tuesday, March 22nd from 7pm
[Location] Online
[How to participate] Advance registration required
*Please check this page .

4. Other
This recruitment is being carried out as a preparatory step before the budget is approved. The Kanagawa Prefectural Assembly has approved the initial budget proposal for fiscal year 2022,
Once it comes into effect, the subsidy guidelines will come into effect.
Therefore, please be aware that the content of the recruitment may change.

*Reference: Kanagawa Prefecture Cultural and Artistic Activity Group Business Subsidy
We are also accepting applications for subsidies for organizations that have their address or base of operations in the prefecture and are recognized as continuously contributing to the promotion of culture and the arts in the prefecture.

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