Midori Art Park

Midori Art Park

Midori Art Park is the only specialized cultural facility operated in Midori Ward, with a 334-seat hall, rehearsal rooms, a gallery, practice rooms, and meeting rooms, and aims to create bonds between people in the community through culture and the arts. We aim to create an environment where anyone can experience art, and to create facilities and a local community where people from all walks of life can gather. We develop business with an eye on the entire area, which is developing around four stations on the Tokyu Denentoshi Line and the JR Yokohama Line, and strive to contribute to solving local issues.

Detailed info

Business hours
  • 9:00-22:00 [Closed] 12/29-1/3, every other third Monday from August 2019 (closed for facility inspection)
Parking 無(隣接する駐車場は商業施設が運営管理する駐車場であるため、時間帯によっては大変混雑する場合があります。)※身障者(車イス)の車でのご利用については、あらかじめご相談下さい。
Credit Card
  • 不可
  • 可(横浜市市民利用施設予約システムから受付)

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