
Double Planet Episode 9

Double Planet 第9話

Double Planet
Episode 9: “Maybe Tamaru-san?”
Satoru Aono (Furuta Jun & Kanda Yota / Radio Shonan Personality)

"I'm sorry. I can't meet you. I'm sorry. Ruka Tamaru."

I've read this message many times. I feel like I've read it 30 times already.
Even after reading it 30 times, it always said the same thing. Is it obvious?
However, I felt like maybe I had read it wrong and it actually said ``Okay'', so I read it over and over again.
I felt sorry for making her say "I'm sorry," and every time I saw the last "..." I let out an incomprehensible sigh.

Even though he's a second year high school student, he still doesn't understand girls' feelings.
Tamaru-san and I only know each other slightly through radio.
We only exchanged messages a few times on Twitter.
However, I may have been getting carried away by asking to meet and talk.
Maybe he thought I was a suspicious person after all.
By the way, I don't feel like I was getting carried away.
I wanted to meet Mr. Tamaru and hear about the play ``Sora to Puzzle''. That's it.
People's feelings are reflected in the way they speak. I wanted to get a hint from that feeling.
I wanted to touch on Tamaru-san's feelings that he cannot hide.
My rival, Mr. Kanda, didn't know about this idea, so I thought that was where I could make a difference.
But now it's even more difficult.
My strategy was back to square one.

Time passed without I being able to send any message back to Tamaru-san. I have no idea what words to use. I also looked it up on Google. There was no answer.

During class, I thought about ``Sky and Puzzles'' so much that I couldn't concentrate and found myself falling asleep. The teacher was naturally angry. Even though there are no answers in dreams, I feel like the answers are falling in my dreams. It's an escape from reality.

School ended early that day.

I didn't feel like going straight home, so I decided to buy a manga at a bookstore near Fujisawa Station and read it at a cafe. It's a manga about band members, and while you're reading it, you can feel like you're playing music yourself. Once you finish reading the manga, you wake up from your dream and return to reality. While I was wondering what to do, I suddenly decided that I wanted to ride the Enoden for the first time in a while. I haven't ridden it in a while. I don't have any particular place I want to go, but I just need to go to Kamakura, turn around and come back. I wanted to see the ocean while riding the train. If I were to watch it at the beach, I might come up with some good ideas for ``Sky and Puzzles.''

Enoden is a mysterious train. I thought it was running on the road, then winding through private houses like a roller coaster at Hanayashiki and out to sea. I like the feeling of “Kuru Zoku Kuru zo” at that time.

When I looked around the inside of the car that left Fujisawa, I noticed that there weren't many tourists as it was dusk on a weekday. In fact, there are a lot of high school students around the same age as me. When I see high school girls chatting by the window, I can't help but think of this.

What if that child was Tamaru-san?

I don't even know his face. I can't even say that there's a zero chance that the girl in front of me is Tamaru-san.
I wonder what will happen if I take the plunge and ask, ``Are you Tamaru-san?''

I'm definitely a suspicious person. This is not the time to pump your fists and open your arms.
In my heart, I'm a hopeless person.

I realized that I hadn't thought about what time I would be home by today. My parents worry if I'm late. I don't have enough money to go out for dinner. I had no choice but to give up somewhere and go home. A short solo trip that can't even be called an adventure.

Before I knew it, the train arrived at Koshigoe station. The next station will be ``Kamakura High School''. It is famous for appearing in the movie ``Slam Dunk.'' The high school students of Kamakura High School are always sparkling. I was late and don't remember getting off at that station. This is because I felt like I would be burnt out by the brilliance of Kamakura High School. The sea comes into view. Sunset. The familiar view of the ocean leaps into view from the train window. Sunset. The high school girls who were chatting stopped their conversation and looked toward the sea. Sunset. A large amount of orange light shines into the car.

It's perfect. I thought so.

"Time, stop!"

I whispered in my heart. Today, I felt like watching the sunset until it went down.

Where can I see it?

The only way to get off is at the next stop, ``Kamakura High School''.
It's the perfect location to go out to sea. But.
When I arrived at the station, the door opened. High school students from Kamakura High School came on board all at once. A glittering parade.
I was thinking about being swallowed up by the galaxy group. Should I try to get off or not? If I get off the train, I will be returning home late today. There is also homework. There are also live streams you may want to watch. But I didn't think I could beat today's sunset.

Just before the door closed, I ran out onto the platform, falling into the gap that was about to close.

By the time the door closed, I had fallen flat on the platform.

The Enoden train headed for the next station, Shichirigahama Station, as if nothing had happened.
Very few passengers got off at the station in front of Kamakura High School at this hour.

"Um... are you okay?"

When I turned around, a high school girl who had gotten off at the platform just like me called out to me. Judging by the uniform, she is neither a student at Kamakura High School nor a student at the same high school as me. Of course, I wasn't sure. There can be no certainty. There is no basis. there is nothing. Even though there was nothing, I was acting strange. He may have hit his head when he collapsed on the platform. His mouth was moving on its own.

“Maybe Tamaru-san?”

If this were a scene from a drama, the high school girl would probably be Ruka Tamaru. A screenwriter once said this. The convenient ``coincidence encounters'' depicted in dramas are allowed only once. Because viewers will swallow that lie. But twice is no good. The viewers aren't stupid either. So, does that one time happen in your long life? Even in this corner of the world where people like me live.

"How do you know my name?"

"to be continued"

*Back issues can be viewed here .

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