
Double Planet Episode 13

Double Planet 第13話

Double Planet
Episode 13 “I couldn’t help but want my girlfriend to praise me”
Satoru Aono (Furuta Jun & Kanda Yota / Radio Shonan Personality)

Where on earth should I start talking? First, let's trace back the memories of this colorful past month. Everything started to change from that day onwards. It was the night I showed Tamaru-san the first song I ever composed, ``Sora to Puzzle.'' After the playing time of one song had elapsed, I received a phone call from Mr. Tamaru. The moment I answered the phone, there was no greeting at all, and my first words, "That's really nice," hit me deep in the pit of my stomach. Warmth like a hot water bottle gradually spreads throughout your body.

It paid off.

Those were the words that came to mind. Those days, when I had never written a song before and didn't have the courage to do so, I still wanted to make one, and all I thought about was achieving the feelings I wanted to express. However, now that I have managed to create a piece of art myself, my expression has inspired something in someone else, and it has returned to me like a boomerang. Is this the real thrill of expression? Did I want to write a song for someone else rather than myself? In that sense, Mr. Tamaru was my first customer. Indeed, Tamaru-san came to mind many times while I was making it. I couldn't help but want her to compliment me.

“Can I use this song in my upcoming streaming performance?”
“Let me use it.”



A few days later, I decided to visit Tamaru-san's high school. It was to be interrogated like an interrogation by Natsuki, who is said to be her best friend. Who the hell am I? Mr. Tamaru should have told me about this, but he asked me about it in depth, as if I couldn't feel safe unless I confirmed it with my own eyes and ears. Tamaru-san, who was standing behind Natsuki-san, put his hands together and quietly said, ``G-me-n''.

“I asked you to listen to the song.”

Natsuki-san said in a mysterious manner.

“H-how was it?”

I waited nervously for an answer to come out of her mouth. Even if Tamaru-san likes it, it will be difficult if Natsuki-san says no. I was prepared for that.

“This isn’t plagiarizing someone else’s song, is it?”
“Is everything okay regarding rights?”

right? What does it mean?
It was a word I hadn't expected at all.

“If you do that in a live performance, you’re out.”

I see, is that so?
I have to confess my innocence here. Manly.

"I wrote the lyrics and composed the music myself. There is no doubt that this song was created by Satoru Aono."

Is this a courtroom?
I ended up giving a formal response that made me want to poke at myself.
Deep down, I felt like I had lied. There is no doubt that he completed the song by himself. However, the root of the song is probably Tamaru-san's words and thoughts. I was able to create this song because I knew that. It seems like I created it all by myself, and I could never have done it by myself. This was not a fancy thing or anything; it was a fact.

"OK. Let's play this song in the last scene!"


In this way, I managed to win Natsuki's trust, and the project for the ``Sora to Puzzle'' streaming performance began to progress rapidly. I visited the rehearsal hall several times to see how the rehearsals were going. I just watched the rehearsal in silence. As a first year student who didn't know much about the situation, I must have been in a completely ``Who are you?'' situation. Before, I couldn't stand this kind of stare. But before I knew it, my nerves had gotten worse.

"Natsuki, I want you to say that line with more force."
"Huh? Lie? Is that what you mean?"
"Yeah, I think you're trying to act a little too much."
“They say you can’t get the word out unless you go overboard here!”

There were many times when Tamaru-san and Natsuki-san would get into heated arguments. Rehearsals were interrupted each time. An awkward atmosphere begins to drift among the first years. But the two didn't care. Continue to discuss until you both agree. The passion these two put into their work was evident. This kind of energy may be what I've always longed for. A fragment of my youth that I let go of when I decided to go it alone because I wanted to form a band but couldn't. I think I've been avoiding arguments with other people. I have chosen a life without conflict. However, conflicts cannot occur unless both parties are serious about it. Having an opinion you can't compromise on. In other words, I know the meaning of my life.

I wonder if I still have time.

In two months, my second year of high school will be over. The year has gone by so quickly.
One year left until graduation. One year?
I ask myself if I still have time.

“It’s up to you.”

I felt like I was being pushed aside by my now stronger self.
After taking a detour, I returned to the starting point.

Let's talk to someone.
Let's say you want to form a band.
You may not be treated as an opponent.
But let's persevere.
Let's say it over and over again.

I want to form a band and perform live.



I was heading to practice that day as well.
After leaving school, I bought 10 cream puffs at a pastry shop near the station.
It's a gift to the drama club.
I admired a man who could do things like this easily.
Right now, I'm about to become one.
I run up the stairs of the pedestrian bridge, my heart racing.

Then, I received a call from an unknown number.
It was Natsuki.

“Oh, what happened?”

After an unnatural silence, Natsuki-san tried to squeeze out her voice and spoke.

"...Luka, you tested positive for coronavirus."

"to be continued"

*Back issues can be viewed here .

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