
Studio Visit Report - We visited Kaihatsu Yoshiaki's studio!

スタジオ訪問記 ― 開発好明さんのスタジオを訪ねてきました!

TEXT: Akiko Inoue PHOTO: Masamasa Nishino Published on June 18, 2015

I visited contemporary artist Yoshiaki Kaihatsu at Bankart studio NKY.
Currently, 49 artists and creators are in residence at Bankart.
Between June 20th (Sat) and 28th (Sun), the "BankART Artist in Residence OPEN STUDIO 2015" event will be held, where resident artists will be able to showcase the results of their three-month stay.

open studio 2015

The developer's studio is located on the third floor of BankART, at the back of the stairs on the right.
I went to visit it right away.

Panoramic view of the studio and developer Yoshiaki

Panoramic view of the studio and developer Yoshiaki

With Mr. Yoshiaki the developer...

I think many of you already know...
Kaihatsu's works, such as the "Daylily Art Circus," an exhibition in which art works are loaded onto a truck and travel around Japan, and the "Politician's House" which he opened in Minamisoma, Fukushima Prefecture, often contain communication within the works themselves or induce communication, and before we know it, our actions themselves become part of the work.

dailylily art
politician's house

Left: Daily Art Circus Right: Politician's House

Regarding the work currently being produced by the developer...

We immediately asked him about the work he is currently working on.

Objects and planes lined up all around the studio

Objects and planes lined up all around the studio

These are objects and two-dimensional works made using materials such as wood and vinyl, and surprisingly, all of these works can be purchased for as little as 200 yen.
As long as it's over 200 yen, you can set it to whatever price you like, but what's nice about it is that you can purchase it directly from the artist.

A sticker handwritten by the developer

A sticker handwritten by the developer

When you purchase a work, you will also receive this card.
And this card has a certain number and email address written on it...


This number is one more than the 147,800 works produced during his lifetime by Pablo Picasso, who is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most prolific artist.

In other words, in the project that Mr. Kaihatsu is currently working on, he has set a lifelong goal of ``creating one more work than Picasso.''

By the way, it is up to the artist to decide what constitutes a work as complete, but this work alone is an unfinished object or two-dimensional work. After we purchase it, we display it in our room and send a photo of it to the developer, and then it becomes a work of art. In other words, our actions are an absolute prerequisite for the completion of the work.

[Flow until the work is completed]
Purchase works directly from the developer

Display it anywhere you like.

Take a picture of the decoration and email it to the developer.

Now all that's left to do is wait for a reply from the developer.
When the developer sends you the product number via email, write that number on the back of the card.

With these four steps, your purchased work will be completed.

I also decided to display it in my room.

Work number "No. 11"

The work number is "No. 11". Only 147790 left until Picasso!

Please come and visit the developer's studio and find your favorite work.

▼ BankART Artist in Residence OPEN STUDIO 2015 Details
Bankart OPEN STUDIO 2015
June 20th (Sat) - 28th (Sun) 2015 11:00-19:00
Opening party: June 19th (Friday) 18:45~ (General participation fee 500 yen)

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