
Double Planet Episode 11

Double Planet 第11話

Double Planet
Episode 11 “Please don’t get cold”
Satoru Aono (Furuta Jun & Kanda Yota / Radio Shonan Personality)

"If you can wait here until night with me."

Tamaru-san's words hit my weak points in all directions. Maybe someone is reading my mind. I didn't have any money, and I felt sorry for myself because I wanted to be home by dinner time. Maybe I have to face Tamaru-san. Unless we face each other properly, will we be able to learn anything about ``Sky and Puzzle''? It was my turn to answer.

"Oh, that's what I meant."

I got dressed up. From the beginning, he blurted out that he had planned to stay until the night. When Mr. Tamaru heard this, he tried to hold back his laughter and said, ``I see.'' I felt like my mind was being read once again.

"Tonight, I'll wait for the stars to appear in the sky."

Mr. Tamaru looked up at the slightly bright sky and said. What is the definition of night? What time does the night start and what time does it end? And what time will the stars appear? There were so many things I didn't understand. If you take out your smartphone and look it up on the internet, you might find something that seems to be the correct answer. But tonight, I felt like the correct answer didn't mean much.

Here, Tamaru-san and I wait for the stars to appear.
Perhaps the answer lies there.
I remained silent as I listened to the sound of the waves and watched the ocean with Tamaru-san.
The sea breeze was blowing relentlessly and my body was getting cold.
I thought I should have brought a jacket if something like this was going to happen.
However, when I got on the Enoden train, I could never have imagined that something like this would happen.
Now I have no choice but to be positive and accept this cold weather and the situation.

Suddenly, I felt a strange coldness on my forehead.
It was raindrops.
After that, it started to rain.
Raindrops dissolve into the sea surface.

"It's raining?! It's raining..."

Tamaru-san quickly stood up next to me, who was flustered.

"Are you going home?"
"Shelter from the rain"

Tamaru-san walked steadily along the sandy beach and returned to the road. I follow Tamaru-san like a pet dog.

"where are you going?"
"Next station"

Next to Kamakura High School is Shichirigahama.
Apparently there is a 7-Eleven near the station.
The rain was getting stronger than before. We were walking briskly down the road.
When rain clouds cover the sky, even I know that there are no stars in the sky. Not tweeting at all. I almost let out a sigh.

"You can go home if you don't like it."

Once again, Tamaru-san read my mind.

"Well, I'm not going home."

I haven't lost either. He's trying hard to be strong. Men are strong creatures.
I walked faster than necessary and tried to pass Tamaru-san.
I'm dazzled by my own childishness.
What on earth am I doing? What on earth are you fighting against?
Now that I think about it, this is the first time I've even walked side by side with a girl outside of school.
Maybe he doesn't want his shyness to be noticed?
Then, Tamaru-san quickly overtook me.


Perhaps Tamaru-san had ignited something in her, and her speed was quite serious. Maybe he hates losing just like me. I ran and tried to pass Tamaru-san.

"see you later!"

Mr. Tamaru has further increased his speed. In this way, we arrived at our destination, a 7-Eleven, while repeatedly passing each other in a dead heat (and having fun).

As soon as we got under the eaves, we laughed together.
I was soaking wet, but I could feel the heat coming from my body from all the running.
It was a surprising discovery that running in the rain is so much fun.
Is it really fun to run alone? Maybe it was fun because I was running with Tamaru-san? I had a rough idea of what would happen when the steam rising from my body cooled down.

"If it gets cold, you might catch a cold."

Tamaru voiced his concerns.
I came up with a way to combat that.

"Then you don't have to let it cool down."

I started doing repetitive horizontal jumps on the spot. That's what you do to measure your physical fitness. Of course it was a joke. Because I thought Tamaru-san would laugh. Why did you want to make me laugh? Why did I want to see her smiling face? However, I didn't hear any laughter from Tamaru-san. When I glanced at his face, he seemed to be thinking about something.

"Sorry. Wasn't it boring...?"
"No. I thought that idea was really good."

Instead of making me laugh, for some reason I was impressed.

"The idea of not complaining about things getting colder, but thinking about ways to keep them from getting colder is amazing."

I'm not used to being praised. I don't know what kind of reaction I should make.
Mr. Tamaru became increasingly talkative, as if he had discovered something.

"In other words, I think this is also the case. It's not that stars don't appear in the sky because of rain clouds, but that stars don't go anywhere and have always been in space. They've been around for billions of light years, and they won't disappear. Wait. If you keep waiting, you'll definitely see the stars. Keep moving so your body doesn't get cold."

At first glance, I couldn't tell because she looked so dignified. But the sky covered in rain clouds was equally unsettling. I hope that my stupid repeated horizontal jumps can alleviate her anxiety even a little.

I decided to check the contents of my wallet. After all, there's only coins in it. I don't think I can buy a shirt to change into.

"I'll buy it for you."

After saying that, Tamaru-san went into the store. Maybe he read my mind again. What should I do when she comes home after buying a shirt?

The rain continues to fall.
But tonight, no matter what happens, I'll keep waiting until I see the stars.
That's what I had decided.

When Tamaru returned, he was clutching two cans of corn soup in his hands.

“I’ll give you one.”
"Oh, are you okay?"

He took the can that was held out in front of him with his right hand.
At that moment, my hands started to tingle from the heat from the can of corn soup.
Heat ran through my body, gradually warming my heart.

Part of this heat may have been Tamaru-san's, which I had been holding onto until just now.

That night we saw stars.

"to be continued"

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