
“Encounters that continue to support my acting career” Actor Takashi Nagayama


Takashi Nagayama
Born in Sagamihara City, Nagayama is a 43-year-old mid-career actor who has been active in films and on stage for 24 years.
In recent years, he has been active on the front lines such as Fuji TV's ``Oshi no Ojisama'' and the NHK Taiga drama ``Seiten wo Kake'', but he says that it hasn't always been smooth sailing so far. The reason why he is able to continue his activities as an actor despite suffering, conflicts, and situations where things don't go as planned may be due to his human nature, which allows him to treasure and cultivate the various encounters that come his way.

-Why did you become an actor?
Nagayama : “At first I thought I would aim to become a comedian.”

-Not an actor?
Nagayama : Yes. Ever since I was a child, I was in a position to make people laugh in class. That's why I wanted to become a comedian. So, when I was in my third year of high school, I went for a talent audition. At that time, you... The people involved told me that I was suited to be an actor."
Is that why you decided to become an actor?
Nagayama : “Yes. I entered an actor training school right away.”

However, opportunities did not come right after she said she wanted to do what she wanted to do, and while she was busy building connections, she was scouted by a modeling agency at a fashion show. From then on, I worked closely with the president in sales, desperately trying to get work.
Nagayama : ``Those days were probably the toughest. I commuted from Sagamihara every day to clean the office and do other chores.''

During this time, he takes on an audition and makes his debut. In 1998, it was decided that she would appear in a TV Asahi drama series.
Nagayama : “The experiences and encounters I had on the set of my debut film were extremely valuable.In particular, the words from director Wakamatsu still remain strongly in my heart.”
It is said that Setsuro Wakamatsu, a master artist who would go on to work on such works as ``The Unset Sun'' and ``White Out,'' stood shoulder to shoulder with Takashi Nagayama, a newcomer who could not tell right from left, and called out to him like this.

"What you're doing right now is amazing. Don't forget that."

Nagayama : ``I'll never forget those words. I learned a lot from Director Wakamatsu, who works very closely with the actors.''
Thanks in part to the help of a friend he met in his debut film, he has been with Geiei Productions since 2000. Nagayama's honest personality shows that he values connections and encounters, but he also had other big encounters.

Nagayama : ``The Prince of Tennis Musical'' was a huge experience for me. My friends, the worldview of the work, and the fans I still have a strong connection with.It was a time when I was challenging myself to a new place and world, and I wanted to expand my horizons a lot. I think I was able to find it.The encounters I had with F2 Dreams (a unit in Fuji TV's wide show program) back then are still very valuable to me.''
At that time, it was not yet called a 2.5-dimensional musical, and some people even called it a ``legendary.'' He was a driving force behind this popular work, and he never forgets his gratitude for his works and the people he met.
Even for him, the reality of the coronavirus pandemic seems to be harsh.
Nagayama : ``It feels like I'm constantly getting body blows that I can't see.During rehearsals for a play, I wear a mask and it's difficult to communicate with the on-site staff.There are times when I feel like I'm going to get negative. Rather than trying to force the situation, I calmly prepare a solution and accept it.I think that kind of thing is also necessary.Things like holding workshops, taking initiative, finding a community, and gaining sustenance.''

It is not easy to continue to fight against the coronavirus pandemic, which continues to hit the entertainment industry with no end in sight.
Despite all this, there is a work that has come to fruition because I treasured my encounters and kept running without giving up.

Nagayama : ``I just finished shooting a movie the other day, and it was a really intense location shoot from morning to night, with a small number of people and long takes, and within a limited number of days.''
When shooting long takes without cutting into small cuts, the number of lines and steps to memorize at once increases several times. To accomplish this with a small group of actors requires not only skill and experience, but also immeasurable concentration and physical strength. However, the expression on his face as he speaks is filled with a sense of accomplishment and joy.
Nagayama : ``I can't go into the details of the film, but it's directed by Jun Akiyama.Mr. Akiyama is a path-breaking person, and I'm always learning about his production skills.During our long relationship, we worked together on ``Takashi to Make a Movie.'' He has fulfilled his promise after 17 years.He is a director who values the individuality of the actors, and this film has a diverse cast, including actresses and models from Takarazuka.''

The title and release date have not yet been decided, but an announcement will likely be made on his blog in the future.
What kind of works will he allow us to encounter as he values his encounters and friends?
I look forward to seeing him in his future endeavors.
Takashi Nagayama official blog : Click here

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