
To all cultural and artistic activity groups active in Kanagawa Prefecture


Kanagawa Prefecture Cultural and Artistic Activity Group Business Subsidy Application Guide for FY2023

In order to revitalize independent cultural and artistic activities conducted by prefectural residents and promote culture and the arts, Kanagawa Prefecture plans to implement subsidies through the following open application method.
This subsidy system will be officially implemented based on the resolution of the prefectural assembly on the prefectural budget for fiscal year 2023.

1. Overview of the subsidy
[Name] Kanagawa Prefecture Cultural and Artistic Activity Group Business Subsidy
[Target recipients] Organizations that have their address or base of operations within the prefecture and continuously contribute to the promotion of culture and the arts within the prefecture.
(Excluding for-profit organizations and local government-led public interest corporations, etc.)
[Eligible projects] Cultural and artistic projects carried out within the prefecture (excluding projects with eligible expenses of less than 300,000 yen)
[Project implementation] From April 28, 2020 to March 29, 2020
[Subsidy rate, etc.] Within the scope of self-payment and up to one-third of eligible expenses

2. Application period and application method
[Application period] From Monday, February 13, 2023 to Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
[Application method] e-kanagawa electronic application
[Details]・Please see the following URL.
For inquiries regarding recruitment, please contact the Cultural Affairs Division, Cultural Affairs Group, Tel: 045-210-3808
3. Explanation videos and online consultations

[Explanatory video] An explanatory video will be uploaded for organizations considering applying. (It is scheduled to be uploaded by noon on March 2, 2023.)
[Online consultation session]
・We will hold consultation sessions via online conferencing tools where staff will answer your questions.
To participate, you will need an environment that allows you to use ZOOM. You are free to enter and leave the room at any time.
・During the online meeting, questions will be asked through chat and comments, and participants will be asked to answer in turn.
The content will be made public to participants.
・This will be a joint grant for the promotion of Magcal development and the subsidy for cultural and artistic activity organizations.
・For questions that cannot be answered within the allotted time, we will post the answers on our website at a later date.
[Online consultation schedule]
1st session: Thursday, March 2, 2023, from 15:00 to 16:00
2nd session: Tuesday, March 7, 2023, from 18:30 to 19:30
[How to participate in the online consultation]
1st session: Thursday, March 2nd, 2023, from 3:00pm to 4:00pm. Please click on this ZOOMS link to join.
2nd session: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 from 18:30 to 19:30. Please click on this ZOOMS link to join.
*Opens in a new window.
*You are free to enter and leave the room within the time limit.

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