
Double Planet Episode 7

Double Planet 第7話

Double Planet
Episode 7 “Challenge from Yota Kanda”
Satoru Aono (Furuta Jun & Kanda Yota / Radio Shonan Personality)

``I'm a hero, I'm good at it.'' Thinking like that gives me courage.
Don't lose, always win!! Do it with dignity!!
It’s not just about winning, it’s about being cool! It’s about being dignified!!
Don't lose, always win! Do it with dignity!!
"Blooming miracle words"

It was the first time in my life that I had concentrated so much for 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
The ``Kiseki no Kotoba'' was heard on the radio ``Love & MUSIC ''.
The lyrics I wrote were turned into a song with a melody set by Mr. Kanda.

There was something unreal about it, and it felt like it wasn't my problem.
No, no, no!
Normal judgment wakes me up.
These are the lyrics I wrote. That was the moment when the lyrics I wrote became music.
This realization came to me when I was lying alone in bed after a radio broadcast.


Along with happiness, I have to acknowledge this feeling that surged upwards.
The melody of ``Kiseki no Kotoba'' drifted into my head, and I felt frustrated when I heard Kanda-san's voice.

Unsuccessful, I sent an email to the radio asking them to compose the song. I never expected that Mr. Kanda would agree so readily. For a while, I spent every day in ecstasy. What have I been doing for the past two months? I haven't done anything. Not trying to compose music again, not writing new lyrics. For two months, I just waited for Mr. Kanda with my fingers crossed. Like a loyal dog. No, like a dog whose fangs have been pulled out.

High school life has started to return to its normal routine, and saying that I was distracted by that is no more than an excuse. I had stopped my progress in growth.
The lyrics flow along with the melody.

``I'm a hero, I'm good at it.'' Thinking like that gives me courage.
Don't lose, always win!! Do it with dignity!!
It’s not just about winning, it’s about being cool! It’s about being dignified!!
Don't lose, always win! Do it with dignity!!
"Blooming miracle words"

I don't think music is about winning or losing. It's not a matter of winning or losing, but right now I felt like I was losing. I lost to Mr. Kanda's vitality, and I lost to myself. It's a big loss.
It's an uncool way to lose, and it's not dignified.
As if it were ironic, all the words hit home for me right now.

I can't lose.
I want to win.
I want to win for both Kanda-san and myself.
If we don't win, we can't move forward.

That's what I honestly thought.

But what should I do...

I remembered one thing.
Last month, Kanda-san said on the radio that she wanted to provide a song for a piece written by a high school girl who was involved in theater.

If I remember correctly, the title is... "Sky Puzzle"? "Sky and...Puzzle". That's right, "Sky and Puzzle".

Apparently, Kanda was inspired by the title and declared that he would come up with the lyrics and even compose the song. Even though I thought he had tremendous vitality, I still felt like it was someone else's problem. But it's no longer someone else's problem. I don't want to lose to Mr. Kanda's vitality either.

This may be a challenge from Yota Kanda to me.
This time I want to compose my own music. If I don't do that, I won't be able to bloom forever.

Once I made that decision, I couldn't stand there anymore.
Where should I start?
It's the lyrics. First, I have to start by writing the lyrics.
Mr. Kanda said that he got the idea to write the lyrics just from the title ``Sora to Puzzle,'' but he doesn't have the ability to make that leap forward right now. If you don't have it, you have no choice but to ask.
What kind of story is “Sky and Puzzle”?

To the author?



All you have to do is ask the girl who wrote that story.
I came up with the idea of sending an email to the radio and asking the child indirectly, but I quickly rejected the idea when I realized that the exchange itself would be revealed to Kanda-san.
I want to be able to finish composing the song without Kanda-san finding out and surprise him.

As expected, it seems that I have no choice but to contact the child directly.

Realistically, I feel like this is a very high hurdle to jump over.
I'm not bragging, but my communication skills aren't high enough to have a frank conversation with girls. In fact, I'm not good at it. But before that, I have to get to that child first.

First, I tried searching for the words "sky and puzzles" on Twitter.
I want you to get caught up in something.
I looked at the search results with a prayerful feeling.
Scroll slowly.

My fingers stopped.
The characters written on the profile are instantly burned into your retina.

[ RUKA ] "Kanagawa Prefecture. Second year high school girl. Drama club. I wrote 'Sky and Puzzle'."

you're kidding?
All words listed in the profile match.
I'm sure it's this kid.
SNS is amazing.

RUKA . Luka. Mr. Luka. Come to think of it, I think it was called that.
Although I was nervous, I decided to send a message via direct mail.

"Luka-san, nice to meet you. I'm sorry for the sudden message. I'm not suspicious at all. I'm a high school student who goes to a high school in Kanagawa prefecture. I'm a second-year male. It's not suspicious. I'm really not suspicious. Please. Please finish it. Please read up to.I learned that Luka-san is doing theater on the radio program ``Love & MUSIC '' that I always listen to.Kanda-san was talking about ``Sora'' written by Luka. I'm very interested in the work "And Puzzle." If you'd like, could you tell me more about the work? Thank you for reading to the end. Satoru Aono."

"to be continued"

*Back issues can be viewed here .

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