
Double Planet Episode 8

Double Planet 第8話

Double Planet
Episode 8 “I tried shouting out the spell I had just learned”
Tamaru Luka (Furuta Jun & Kanda Yota/Radio Shonan Personality)

Natsuki's first words were, "That's the best." What I'm referring to is my impressions of the first play I wrote, ``Sky and Puzzle.'' A restless time has passed since I emailed the script to Natsuki. I was filled with conflicting emotions, like wanting to get feedback right away and not wanting it at all, but in the end, I wanted feedback so badly that my hands and feet came out of my throat. Around 1 a.m. after the date, I suddenly received a phone call instead of an email or LINE . I answered the phone in seconds. That was the first thing Natsuki said. “It’s the best” repeats endlessly in my head. I listened intently to Natsuki's impressions while suppressing the urge to jump.

"To be honest, I was drawn in and I still feel like I'm in the story."

``Sky and Puzzles'' is a story that unfolds in the astronomy club of a high school by the sea. The members of the astronomy club, who are obsessed with the mysteries of the universe, wish to find a new star and name it after themselves. The main character, a girl who was in the homecoming club, joins the astronomy club at the behest of her best friend, who says, ``I only need her name,'' to ``match the numbers to avoid the club being discontinued.'' However, one day, out of curiosity, the protagonist looks through a telescope and discovers a new star. This becomes a trigger, and the puzzle of human relationships that should have been smooth begins to go awry.

“I want to try it, the main character girl!”

The main character is modeled after Natsuki, who has a straightforward personality.
No, it's not. I think I was inspired to write this because of the existence of Natsuki.

"Thank you, Natsuki."

After that, a slightly unpleasant and embarrassing moment passed, as they complimented each other like two lovers who had just become a couple. But it also felt good. No more, you idiot.

When I hung up the phone at 4 a.m., my eyes were so alert that I couldn't sleep.
Excited, I buried my face in the pillow and shouted out the spell I had just memorized.

“It’s the best.”

I don't know when or where this play will be performed. However, Natsuki and I decided to start moving.

That was the point.
I received a message via Twitter .
The sender is Satoru Aono.
After reading the text, I had an idea who it was.

"Could this be...that subtle blue?"

He's a high school boy and a listener of Radio Shonan's ``Love & Music '' who often posts emails.
It says that he is interested in ``Sky and Puzzles.'' I don't really know what that means.
It's my fault that I haven't been able to listen to the radio for a while, but maybe some progress has been made on the radio. Try reading the message again. The killer phrase "I'm not suspicious" often appears there. No, it's completely suspicious. I can tolerate it because I know about the existence of subtle blue, but if it was sent to me by a complete stranger, it would be too scary.

However, I felt sincerity in the polite way he spoke. Although he was clumsy, he had his own sincerity. I was somewhat embarrassed to reply right away, so I let it rest for about three days before I sent a reply.

"I read your message.
I have sent an e-mail to ``Love & MUSIC '' once using the radio name Lucas. Actually, I know quite a bit about Mr. Subtle Blue. Ah, just to be sure, Satoru Aono = Satoru Blue, right? Sorry if it's someone else.
Thank you for your interest in "Sky and Puzzle". What a surprise! In fact, I'm happy.
I still don't know when or where I will be able to perform ``Sky and Puzzle,'' which I am about to give shape to.
Given the current situation, there is a possibility that everything will end up being a pipe dream. (I'm absolutely determined to get it performed!) So, if you can understand that this is a work with such potential, I'd be happy to tell you about it. Oh, I'm not suspicious either (lol)
Tamaru Luka”

“Thank you for your reply, Lucas. Yes, I am a subtle blue.
I'm glad I was able to prove that I wasn't a suspicious person.
I understand the possibilities.
It doesn't matter if it's not performed (although I'm sure it will be performed!).
I would be happy if you could tell me more about ``Sky and Puzzle.''
If it's not too much of a problem, could we meet somewhere?
Satoru Aono”

"to be continued"

*Back issues can be viewed here .

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