
Ryu Miho's "Woman in Jazz♡"

Ryu Mihoの『Woman in Jazz♡』

JAPAN TOUR by the world-famous female jazz musician trio "GG" (Motion Blue Yokohama)

Since this is the first time, we interviewed some amazing female musicians. The JAPAN TOUR of the world-famous female jazz musician trio "GG" was held at Motion Blue Yokohama on Friday, April 21st. The leader is Misty pianist Takana. Also featured was New York bassist Noriko Ueda and Texas drummer Masumi Jones. I even had the honor of making a guest appearance!


This will be the first time in 20 years that all three members of GG have performed together in Japan.
This is an interview about GG's thoughts on jazz and his impressions of this live show.

--Please tell us how GG was formed.

Miyamoto: We met in Boston in 1995. The three of us entered Berklee College of Music at almost the same time, and I entered the film scoring department, but before I knew it, I also started playing jazz. I was moved by the performance of drummer Masumi Jones from Hiroshima and bassist Noriko Ueda from Hyogo, whom I met at the college, and we hit it off. We decided to do something as a trio and started working. We became a popular band in Boston, recorded our first album "Piece of Cake", released it in 1997, and toured Japan.

--What does everyone at GG think of jazz?

Ueda: Because there is freedom, you can express yourself there.
All: (Agreed)
Miyamoto: Everyone has their own sense of sound and rhythm, and we all bring our own cultures to the table, so we can improvise and collaborate together. It's like a champon hotpot (laughs). Even if we're meeting for the first time and don't speak the same language, we can still make music together, so I think it's a wonderful art form.
Ueda: The final taste depends on the ingredients and what you put in at the time. It's easy to compare it to cooking (laughs).

--You've been active both in Japan and overseas, but are there any differences in the audiences?

Jones: Americans start dancing. If there's danceable music and there's space, people will start dancing.
Miyamoto: There were even some professional dancers who came to listen. They started dancing and they were really good.
Jones: That's right, everyone ends up looking over there (laughs). Many Japanese customers look at it intently.
Miyamoto: In Japan, people have a lot of respect for music, so they listen quietly and seriously. I'm also happy when they dance. (laughs)

--This is the first time in 20 years that the three of you have all performed together on the GG Japan Tour. How did you feel after the second day's performance at Motion Blue Yokohama? Did you immediately remember the sessions that the three of you performed together?

Miyamoto: I was moved by the unity of the three of us, which has not changed over the years. Every song was full of emotion.
Planning the after party was also fun. Miho-chan was so good at rock-paper-scissors! (laughs)
Jones: It was surprising and strange to be in Japan, but it was a lot of fun.

-What did you think of tonight's GG collaboration with guest vocalist Ryu Miho?

Miyamoto: The interaction between Miho-chan and Masumi-chan was so funny (laughs) I couldn't believe it was our first meeting.
Jones: LOL
Ueda: Miho-chan has such a transparent quality that her purity overflowed from the moment she entered the venue. I think that's why she appeals so directly to the heart.
Miyamoto: It was truly wonderful to see Miho singing with her heart at full throttle.
Ryu: Thank you!

--Finally, please give a message to our female readers! How can we make it easier for women to go to jazz clubs?

Miyamoto: There are a lot of good looking guys in jazz clubs these days (laughs).
Jones: Really? (Laughs)
Miyamoto: That's true. (winks) But recently, the number of young female customers has increased. Some of them are knowledgeable about various things. I often play with male artists, so many of them come from far away. It makes me happy.
Jones: Also, there are more male musicians in jazz.
Miyamoto: That's why I would be happy if women came to the venue.
Ueda: As GG, we are happy that women listen to our music and relate to it.
All: That's right!!


What did you think? The first "Woman in Jazz"
In Japan, we were able to have a valuable interview with GG, a female jazz trio active on the global jazz scene.
The performance began gently, like women having a conversation, and there were many beautiful and passionate scenes.
Also on the day, Takana's longtime musical partner, Japan's only vocalist and flugelhorn player, TOKU, came to join in for the encore song "Sukiyaki", making it a fantastic session!
It was a moment when I realized that jazz can do anything!
The three's precious performance at the stylish Motion Blue Yokohama was sure to be an unforgettable concert for the audience.

We would like to continue to enthusiastically bring to you all information about the jazz live shows that take place in Kanagawa every day, as well as the voices of currently active musicians.
Please look forward to it in the future!!

Ryu Miho


[GG] In 1995, Takana Miyamoto (p), Noriko Ueda (b), and Masumi Jones (d) met in Boston, USA, and formed the jazz trio [GG]. They released their first album [Piece of Cake] and made their TV debut on the US broadcast BET. Based in New York, they performed at festivals all over the US, but went on hiatus due to member transfers. They reunited in 2015 and released their long-awaited second album [Ruby Road]. Original members Noriko Ueda (NYC) and Masumi Jones (Texas), who continue to be active in the US, came to Japan, and the first domestic tour since the album release was finally realized. Diva Ryu Miho appeared as a guest at the Mito and Yokohama performances.
CD [Ruby Road]

April 21st (Friday) GG Set List @Motion Blue Yokohama
1. Sir Duke
②Tea Time Alone
③Norwegian Wood
④New Cinema Paradise
⑤Your Reason
(6) Skylark Hills

① Sarah's Tail
② Misty with Ryu Miho
③ My Favorite Things with Ryu Miho
④ Theme song for the movie "Madou" "Home at Last/Family Scene" with Ryu Miho
⑤ Skindo-lele with Ryu Miho
⑥ Ruby Road
⑦ Sakura Saku
En Look Up and Walk with Ryu Miho, TOKU (Flugelhorn)

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