
It's been a long time since I visited the Yokohama Museum of Art. I was instantly captivated by Henri Rousseau's "The Wedding"


I went to the Yokohama Museum of Art for the first time in a while. When you get off Minato Mirai station, there is a very pleasant atmosphere, and for a moment you feel like you are in New York.

This time, a collection of works by some of my favorite painters, including Renoir, was being held.
The Yokohama Museum of Art is my favorite place, as I've had a concert there before.
An upright piano made by the French company Pleyel is also on display in the lobby (the exhibit ends on November 20th). This manufacturer loved Chopin, and the keyboard is relatively light and easy to play.

When I go to an art museum, I like to choose my favorite painting from the exhibits and spend time in front of it.
My favorite work in this exhibition, ``Orangerie Collection Collection Renoir and the Painters Who Fell in Love with Paris,'' is Henri Rousseau's ``The Wedding.'' What a beautiful blue and green combination!
I was instantly captivated by the tropical atmosphere of the painting.
Usually, weddings are associated with pinks, reds, and pastels, but this work is interesting because the painter Rousseau also appears in the picture.
You can feel the temperature through the work. It was quite hot and dry, and the temperature was probably around 38 degrees...I thought about all sorts of things, and my heart felt warm.
Also, Picasso's work ``Woman with a Tambourine''. While looking at the work, I was intrigued and wondered what kind of sound this tambourine would make.
The woman in the picture looked somewhat tired, but as a pianist I couldn't help but want to hear the sound of the tambourine in the picture.
While looking at this woman's outfit, I wondered if the season in which it was drawn was probably summer. In any case, both films feature hot landscapes that give me a resort-like feel.

There is a cafeteria inside the museum, and we enjoyed some delicious herbal tea after viewing the museum.
The herbal tea was also a beautiful red color, making it a colorful day.
For musicians, looking at paintings is a valuable time that allows them to relax, inspires them, and makes them want to play music.
Christmas is coming soon. Filling your heart with sound and pictures is a wonderful art that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Click here for the official website of Yokohama Museum of Art.

■Click here for back issues of “To a place that moves Kumamoto Mari’s heart”

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