
Places associated with the Kamakura Shogunate - Visiting places associated with Oe Hiromoto and Adachi Morinaga


The NHK historical drama "The 13 Lords of the Kamakura" is approaching its second half, and from here begins a fierce power struggle filled with intrigue.
I can't wait to see how the story will unfold in the future.
This time, we will introduce the places associated with the Oe clan (Oe Hiromoto) and the Adachi clan (Adachi Morinaga), two of the 13 people.

<A place associated with Oe Hiromoto>
Oe Hiromoto was originally a lower-ranking aristocrat in Kyoto, but his older brother Nakahara, who was also one of the 13 senior retainers,
Through his connection with Chikano, he went down to Kamakura. He was appointed as betto (chief) of the Mandokoro, which was responsible for administration, and is said to have made great contributions in negotiating with the Imperial Court and building political structures. Among his most notable achievements were "establishing shugo and jito throughout the country" and "insisting on the swift dispatch of troops to Kyoto and putting down the Jokyu War, despite the prevailing opinion that the situation should be waited and seen." From these and other points of view, we can see that Oe Hiromoto was a man of great foresight and an excellent ability to read the trends of the times.

Spot 1 Grave of Oe Hiromoto

About 200 meters east of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, nearby are the graves of Minamoto no Yoritomo and Hojo Yoshitoki (the remains of the Hokkedo Hall), and at the back of Yoshitoki's grave, up a steep staircase, you will find the grave of Oe Hiromoto. Oe Hiromoto is said to have died at the age of 78 in 1225, and while many powerful vassals were wiped out at the time, he lived out his natural lifespan and is buried close to the graves of the Kamakura Shogun and the second regent, which shows how powerful he was at the time.
Grave of Oe Hiromoto 📍2-7-9 Nishimikado, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture

Spot 2: Oe Inari Shrine

Oe Inari Shrine is located in Jusansho, about 2.5 km east of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine on the Kanazawa Kaido. It is said that the shrine was named Oe Inari because Oe Hiromoto himself enshrined an Inari shrine in the nearby Oe Hiromoto residence, but the exact origin of the name is unknown. The deity is a statue of Oe Hiromoto, which is usually kept at Myo-o-in Temple in the same Jusansho.
Oe Inari Shrine 📍114 Jusansho, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture

Oe Hiromoto was a man who was skilled not only in knowledge and know-how, but also in reading the trends. His knowledge and insight saved the Kamakura Shogunate many times, and he survived the early days of the Kamakura Shogunate, which was full of intrigue.

<A place associated with Adachi Morinaga>
Adachi Morinaga served as a close aide to Minamoto no Yoritomo from the time of his exile. Although he held no official position throughout his life, there is no one who could be called "the most loyal retainer of Minamoto no Yoritomo" other than Adachi Morinaga.
It is said that Adachi Morinaga was the one who supported Minamoto no Yoritomo both in public and private life, and who arranged his relationship with Hojo Masako. Even after moving to Kamakura, it is recorded that Minamoto no Yoritomo frequently visited Adachi Morinaga's residence on personal business, and it can be seen that he was a man who supported Minamoto no Yoritomo, sometimes as a vassal and sometimes as a friend, and earned his unparalleled trust.

Spot 3: Amanawa Shinmei Shrine

It is located about 2 km from Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, near Hasedera Temple. It is said to be the oldest shrine in Kamakura, and was deeply revered by the Genji clan. There is also a monument to Adachi Morinaga's residence in the precincts.
It is also believed that there was a mansion there.
Amanawa Shinmei Shrine 📍1-12-1 Hase, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture

Spot 4: Kongoji Temple (Atsugi City)

It is located near the entrance to Iiyama Onsenkyo in Atsugi City, central Kanagawa Prefecture. It has a very long history, and is said to have been founded by Kobo Daishi Kukai around 810. (He later converted to the Soto sect.) There is a tower here that is said to be the grave of Adachi Morinaga.
Kongoji Temple 📍5456 Iiyama, Atsugi City, Kanagawa Prefecture

In the NHK historical drama "The 13 Lords of the Kamakura" there was a line that said, "Except for his family, very few people are mourning his death." The truth of this line is uncertain, but Adachi Morinaga must be included in the "very few." Adachi Morinaga may not have served Minamoto no Yoritomo out of a mutual interest of gratitude and service, but rather respected him as a person and stayed by his side as a friend.

Stay tuned for the next episode.

*Please note that there are various theories regarding the contents of this column.

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